Want to make a Compliment about us, as we overcome these Covid-19 challenging times?Copied from © 2000-2010 Smile Specialist® & Tony©

Although we get Compliments very commonly indeed, we are always happy to receive even more, even after the recent Covid-19 crisis. In particular, we would like to hear from you what it was that you most enjoyed about your website or Practice visits and care from us, the improvements we made to your quality of life, as well as how we can improve our services even further.

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any compliments or feedback about your Dentistry here and how you and others feel around you when you have shared your experiences and Smiles with others too.
If you feel happy with our Services overall, please do tell others who you think may benefit from our Expertise. If you are unhappy for any reason, please do tell us directly so that we can make sure any problems, no matter how minor, may be rectified.

PLEASE NOTE - as part of the feedback process for CQC, you can give feedback here http://www.cqc.org.uk/share-your-experience-finder for our Practice as a patient or other aspects of care too.

Copied from © 2000-2010 Smile Specialist® & Tony©

Want to make any Complaint about us?

Although rare, we do take any complaints very seriously. We aim for 100% satisfaction and as part of our Clinical Governance and Quality Assurance programmes, we are always looking for ways to improve our Website and Treatment Quality, Service and Value to you.
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. OR phone 01535 644005 for a Complaint pack and we will give any concerns, feedback or complaints from you, our fullest attention. Thank you.

Our Practice has been Judged as No.1 in the UK for Patient Services, by Colgate, Denplan and the British Dental Journal, resulting in the QDA award for Dr.Kilcoyne's Practice. But we would like to be better still !

If having gone through our Practice-based Complaints Procedure you remain dissatisfied, you can still use the independent services of the Dental Complaints Service simply by calling 020 8253 0800 - please do show them any helpful responses you received from us so they can advise you to their best ability. Ultimately we want you to be a highly satisfied patient who will recommend us to many others, even if you have been unhappy with any aspect of our care, no matter how minor, we promise to handle any misunderstandings or problems with your best interests in mind so that you are still highly satisfied overall and help our Practice to be even better than it is already. Thank you in advance for your feedbacks.

Want to Help Us be the best Dental Practice we can be?

This philosophy is a continual improvement process for us and again ALL feedback is very welcome and whatever is within our power to change/improve further, we will. It is our continual mission to be better than we have ever been before and over the last several decades, people like you have influenced the additional Quality, Services and Choices we have introduced and adopted as our 'normal' way of working today!

If you have any ideas, become requests or suggestions how we can improve our Website, Services, Treatments, Facilities etc, we would be delighted to receive these.

Please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or write to:

The Practice Manager, The Smile Specialist Centre, 9-13 Station Rd, Haworth, Keighley, West Yorkshire. BD22 8NL. UK

We hope this website helps you on your journey to becoming a better informed patient overall too.

UK Quality Development Award in recognition of the Quality of our Patient Services.
